Monday, March 26, 2007


“Wild and Inspired but Ultimately sweetness itself” is how the author of describes herself. Elle or ‘Romsky’ as she is better known, literally revels in the reality-TV-type style of blogging. Her header succinctly reads, “Today I put away my many faces, take me as I am” which epitomizes the exact sentiment of this blog. Romsky has been blogging with amazing regularity since September 2006 and has attained platinum blogging prestige within her extensive online circle.

Background: Written by a Masters Media student at UKZNP this blog covers almost every aspect fathomable, from random chirps about university life to breath takingly morbid yet poignant poetry, there isn’t much from the deep recesses of Elle’s mind that isn’t given a virtual life. She documents her daily existence with award winning honesty, much to the delight of her legions of followers who are occasionally appreciatively mentioned: “I Found out today that I have fans… I feel so special, Yay”. The content on this blog range from the hilariously mundane to the intensely political, ‘the impertinence’; ‘BA-Bsc…the debate is the issue’; and, ‘Nice people – it ain’t right’ are among the over 200 posts documented on Elle’s blog. The constant traffic and comments on this blog is almost self perpetuating, perhaps the most interesting debate to have been posted was the ‘Religious chat’ that yielded a total of fifty comments:

Nic said...

Im really sorry to say but I agree with Angry 100%. Religion should get no special treatment. I personally believe that anyone with faith who has never challenged their religion is not faithful at all but ignorant and blind.

hetty said...

Religion is not bondage. The collective is not the enemy. I am sorry you can’t see that!

Presentation: Elle’s blog is possibly one of the most well rounded, aesthetically pleasing creations on the blogosphere. It has evolved from using a standard template provided by, to a personally constructed template that the author has edited using the dreamweaver programming systems software. Among the plethora of technological effects present, this blog boasts a c box, search engine, flickr, tags, by-country hit counter, rss news bubbles, a virtual pet Tiger called tig, and a blogroll a mile long. Although Elle’s blog is in perfect functional order it has had a history of minor script errors: exported html codes were dysfunctional and the news bubbles were not bubbling. However this has since been remedied much to the relief of the various restless natives.

Verdict: is the cumulative definition of blogging. Romsky’s is a hive of activity that has attracted Internet folk from every nook and cranny of the c-g world. For insight into the overt life of one of the most interesting individuals in virtual space, surf on over into Elle’s blog. Elle, you have my blessing. Go forth and Blog!

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